Friday, November 19, 2010

Talking about the Life

Hey, hey, hey!

I talked with writer David Wisehart about The View from Here and the life of a writer over at his blog Kindle Author.

Interested? Then, click away!

And thanks, David! Enjoyed sharing.


  1. I just read your interview with David Wisehart - and I was intrigued. Your book(s) sound very good and I plan on buying them with the Amazon gift card I know I am getting from someone.

    I wish you the best in your book. I know I saw a bump in sales after my interview with Mr. Wisehart.

    Judi Coltman, author of "Is It Just me? or Is Everyone a Little Nuts!"

  2. Hi, Judi! Nice to meet you. Thank you for checking out my books. I hope you enjoy them. Let me know! And I'm LOLing -- reading your book description and the discovery of the chin hair. Funny cuz it's true. I'll buy it just for that!

